Dear Reader,
Is your life filled with gloom? Do you look up to tie your shoes. Learn to ride above the circumstances. Believe in yourself and move on.
Throughout most of my life it appeared that I was going no where fast while my friends and relatives were meeting with success everywhere they went.
My cousin, along with my aunt were successful nurses. A neighbor architect impressed a lot of people. Another friend was an underwriter/manager for a well known insurance company, while my best friend became a Phd professor in theology at a seminary.
My latest claim to fame was writing three baseball stories now on Amazon. Self publishing was a last ditch effort after many years of struggle in the job market. Feeling sorry for myself didn't help. While everything turned to gold for other people, I moved along with a herd of turtles.
Another friend of mine was excited about starting college. The most practical thing to do at that time was to attend a local community college and later a four year school. From a cost perspective many people did just that.
On the final day of orientation all the freshman met in the school auditorium for a pep talk. At the end of a long boring speech the professor said, "Many of you won't be here at the end of this year. Struggling, many of you will drop out..."
When Erin got home his parents were eager to learn how the day went. To their surprise Erin told them that he dropped out because he probably won't be there...the professor said many won't be there at the end of the year and he was one of them. Filled with doubt all his confidence went south.
Raised in Chicago I was a diehard Cub fan and wouldn't miss a game every chance I got. Connecting with a speeding fast ball traveling over the plate; catching ground balls and beating the runners to first base; and hitting home runs, nothing could be more fun. Baseball players had the confidence to believe in themselves and thrill thousands of baseball fans.
After the Resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples in a locked room. He showed them the scars in his hands and side and they knew it was really Him.
Thomas wasn't there, however when the disciples told him, doubting Thomas said, "unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my fingers where the nails were and place my hand in his side I will not believe."
When Jesus was present at the next meeting, Thomas was present. Then Christ commanded him to "stop doubting and believe." With confidence in faith he believed, shared his experience with Jesus from 52 AD on, and died a martyre in 72 AD. ( John 20:19-31 )
The moral to this story is don't feel sorry for yourself. Pity will be a road block to your success. Instead be confident. Believe in yourself and move on.

***We have been blessed to share baseball trivia with many people. Currently we are launching a small fund-raiser so that we can continue to offer valuable information in our baseball newsletter. For a $5.00 donation (click the donate button) we'd like you to have an Ernie Banks poster with our compliments.
The blog you read and newsletter you get every week is FREE.The generosity of your gift will help us continue to share baseball trivia and life with other people.
Thanks for being a loyal email subscriber. We appreciate hearing from you. Let us know if you ever have any questions.
Baseball is in our blood. It's in our DNA and never goes away. It's better than a lot of other things we have in our blood.
Even though I understand the conflict between our health and the economy, I think it is unfair to deprive baseball fans of the opportunity to watch a game. It's like trying to mix apples with oranges.
Has anybody ever thought of a baseball game without an audience? It's not very exciting but it's better than no baseball at all. If the players would just follow the rules laid out by the CDC, we all would be blessed with watching more baseball, and wouldn't that be nice?
Perhaps pride is blocking the way to opening the baseball season. Maybe it's a budget thing and overspending in areas we can't afford. How many times have we heard that one before? Greed can ruin the day.
Yes the cover-19 and economic slowdown has created some problems. But we must learn to adjust. Many dedicated people, professionals and volunteers, have and are continuing to deal with the problem. Thank you.
Meanwhile for the moment we have no baseball. Only hope that there will be baseball in July. Can we asked for anything more?
***We have been blessed to share baseball trivia with many people. Currently we are launching a small fund-raiser so that we can continue to offer valuable information in our baseball newsletter. For a $5.00 donation (click the donate button) we'd like you to have an Ernie Banks poster with our compliments.
The blog you read and newsletter you get every week is FREE. The generosity of your gift will help us continue to share baseball trivia and life with other people.
Why is baseball so important? There are lots of things in life with helpful suggestions that baseball fans like to read about. Please allow me to share some of them with you:
(1) Baseball and life helps meet our needs and makes the world a better place to live. Budget, good health, education, and God, are only a few of the many needs available.
(2) Baseball is popular. It's amazing to see baseball parks filled to their capacity every time there is a game. In every town there is a Little League team. Remember the traffic jam last time you went to a game? Nobody wants to miss out on all the action.
(3) Baseball is a good diversional activity for depression. It helps to chase away the troubles of the world.
(4) Baseball is entertaining. Munching on a hot dog and sipping a Coke with friends is great. And it's fun to mark down all the action on a scorecard.
(5) Baseball teaches teamwork. Nine baseball players give fans the thrill of an exciting game.
So won't you please help us continue to make the world a better place to live?
There will be no baseball on Father's Day with dad this year. The MLB organization thinks baseball is not important.
What ever happened to baseball? Every night on the TV news we learn about the NFL and the MBA, but nothing about baseball. The quarantine due to the Coronavirus had put football and basketball on the back burner momentarily, but we never hear anything about baseball.
Even golf is coming back and won't diehard golfers like that? Yes, Tiger Woods will be back on the fairway.
For the moment baseball owners don't have any real interest in baseball. Chicago Cubs, St Louis Cardinals, New York Yankees, and more. Baseball fans can wait. They will be back in 2020, maybe?
At the top of the lists for the moment is power. Owners want control and they bicker for how much control they can get over the MLB organization and their own team. There is no common good. Among men nobody can agree on anything. The other guy is always getting a better deal. Life is unfair. Plea bargaining is at a halt.
Money is the other driving force. Power and money go hand-in-hand together. The heck with anything else.
So whatever happened to baseball in 2020? Who knows. Remember the good old days? A time when a kid would sell newspapers to earn a couple of bucks so he or she could go to a baseball game? Gone are the good old days.

***We have been blessed to share baseball trivia with many people. Currently we are launching a small fund-raiser so that we can continue to offer valuable information in our baseball newsletter. For a $5.00 donation (click the donate button) we'd like you to have an Ernie Banks poster with our compliments.
The blog you read and newsletter you get every week is FREE. The generosity of your gift will help us continue to share baseball trivia and life with other people.
Why is baseball so important? There are lots of things in life with helpful suggestions that baseball fans like to read about. Please allow me to share some of them with you:
(1) Baseball and life helps meet our needs and makes the world a better place to live. Budget, good health, education, and God, are only a few of the many needs available.
(2) Baseball is popular. It's amazing to see baseball parks filled to their capacity every time there is a game. In every town there is a Little League team. Remember the traffic jam last time you went to a game? Nobody wants to miss out on all the action.
(3) Baseball is a good diversional activity for depression. It helps to chase away the troubles of the world.
(4) Baseball is entertaining. Munching on a hot dog and sipping a Coke with friends is great. And it's fun to mark down all the action on a scorecard.
(5) Baseball teaches teamwork. Nine baseball players give fans the thrill of an exciting game.
So won't you please help us continue to make the world a better place to live?
Working together we are looking for donators to help us share baseball stories with other fans.
The last couple of weeks have been devastating. First virus-19, then murder followed by riots, destruction of property, and racism.
My heart goes out to all those who have been discriminated against. That should never be. We must learn to work together. We need a change in our heart for a peaceful existence. An attitude of good instead of evil.
To remedy the problem we need a heart transplant. A new heart filled with love instead of hate. With the help of the almighty God, all things are possible.
Remember Jackie Robinson? He struggled to break the race barrier in baseball. Now baseball teams have learned to work together thanks to the legacy this great baseball player made. Amen!
Jesus is a good example about how we can look at life by examining our own heart's. I can recall the song we always sang in Sunday school many years ago: Jesus loves the little children; all the children of the world; red and yellow, black and while; they are precious in His sight; Jesus loves all the children of the world.
There is no doubt about it. From the heart we can do many good things to make this world a better place to live.

***We have been blessed to share baseball trivia with many people. But now we have to make an important decision and decided to launch a small fund-raiser so that we can continue to offer valuable information in our baseball newsletter. For a $5.00 donation (click the donate button) we'd like you to have an Ernie Banks poster with our compliments. Thank you
The blog you read and newsletter you get every week is FREE. However, I'm retired, and the generosity of your gift will help us to pay other writers and maintain our production cost.
Why is baseball so important? There are lots of things in life with helpful suggestions that baseball fans like to read about. Please allow me to share some of them with you:
(1) Baseball and life helps meet all our needs and makes the world a better place to live. Budget, good health, education, and God, are only a few of the many needs available.
(2) Baseball is popular. It's amazing to see baseball parks filled to their capacity every time there is a game. In every town there is a Little League team. Remember the traffic jam last time you went to a game? Nobody wants to miss out on all the action.
(3) Baseball is a good diversional activity for depression. It helps to chase away the troubles of the world.
(4) Baseball is entertaining. Munching on a hot dog and sipping soda pop with friends is great. And it's fun to mark down all the action on a scorecard.
(5) Baseball teaches teamwork. Nine players working together make a baseball game exciting.
So won't you please help us so that we can continue to help make the world a better place to live?