With all the sports being played on a clock like football, hockey, and basketball, sometimes I think that a baseball game puts me to sleep. Do you agree? Have you lost your interest in baseball.
Fortunately there still is a lot of action in baseball and enough to hold a baseball fan's attention. A one run game, a spectacular play at the plate, and more, keeps filling baseball parks to over flowing across the country.
But wait, not this year. Covid-19 has left baseball parks empty during most games. No cheers with back ground noise. Only a recording to enhance our imagination. Otherwise it's like listening to a soap opera.
It appears like watching a game played on the clock will easily draw our attention. There is no doubt about it, people are sitting on the edge of their seat in the last few minutes or seconds of an exciting game. In hockey, for example, people enjoy the game even if the home team lost.
From my childhood many years ago I still enjoy watching a good old fashion baseball game. I'm from the old school. It's in my blood (DNA). Like eating Jay's Potato chips, I can't get enough of them.
Baseball remind's me of our baseball newsletter. It's free, entertaining, and filled with lots of good lessons to learn. Sign up today at https://aw1283c2.aweb.page/cornerlotsbaseball
Baseball is not dead. It depends on your point of view.. Baseball is in the eyes of the beholder. During the baseball off season look for some baseball alternatives like read a good baseball book, watch a good baseball movie, start a baseball card collection and trade with your friends, research your favorite player and write about them, and sign up for our free newsletter and share. People love to talk about baseball.