Over the river and through the woods to grandmother's we went...the horse knows the way to carry the slay... As we sang many thoughts started to race through our mind. A special day was about to unfold.
Tradition brought our family together, seven people in a small apartment in the big city, Chicago. We did the best we could with what we had. A small cart table attached to the larger table with several chairs added. Our hearts were in the right place.
On a table clothe with fancy dinner ware was a delicious turkey surrounded by lots of goodies. Our mouths watered just staring at dressing, mashed potatoes, carrots, peas, corn, and more. A variety of home made pies topped the menu. No body went hungry on Thanksgiving Day.
Feeling stuffed after dinner with eyes bigger than our stomach's we all went into the living room and got comfortable. Small talk continued to dominate the conversation. The TV competed for some attention.
We gathered together to ask the Lord's blessing. With thankful heart's we praised God for good health, jobs, friends, family, church, and more. Life is so good and we hope you all have a happy thanksgiving.
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