Monday, December 6, 2021

Corner Lots Baseball


When we think about the board room it often stirs mixed emotions. A sophisticated membership in an exclusive club may ring a bell. An elite group of men and women. The envy of other folks whom strive to reach the top. Knowing people in high places might help you get a prestigious position.

Another interesting thought about board rooms leaves us with fear and trembling. Disciplinarian action. The Board of Education demands dealing with misconduct among peers. Perhaps a corporation's standards were broken and corrective action is necessary. 

But I'm more interested in board games. The thing that brings friends together for some fun like Monopoly or a game of Sorry. I'm sure you have a long lists of memories.

The baseball season just ended. Christmas is here and we might have a long wait before opening day for more baseball. The thought can drive a baseball fan crazy, but there is hope. It's time for Corner Lots Baseball.

With some plastic miniature baseball players, a spinner, and a game board, it's time to play ball. Use a piece of scratch paper and nine innings will go by quickly.

I was anybody I wanted to be: manager, broadcaster, or player. It was fun and I could do it all day with friends or alone.

Yep, baseball was not dead in the off season. Time will fly when your having fun and before you know it another baseball season will be here. 

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