Sunday, January 30, 2022

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Our men's small group meets every Saturday morning to share the woes of the world and build each other up in the faith. With breakfast and coffee we close our meeting with prayer request from the circle of men. The request may vary, however one gentleman always asked to pray for wisdom.

Everybody wants wisdom. Unfortunately some people expect it to fall into their lap and perform a miracle. Lack of responsibility will get you no where fast.

Wisdom requires action. Some folks call it facts and knowledge on wheels. Once the facts are laid out it's time to put them to work. It's a mindset thing. People can tell you what to do, but if your lazy and ignore all the facts don't complain. I get tired of people complaining about a lack of wisdom without doing anything about it.

People gather on Sunday morning to worship in church. The preacher shares a Bible truth that will melt a heart mixed with a smile and tears. The next step is an invitation to respond and usually the aisles are filled with people gathering around the pulpit.

Baseball is another good example. My friend Tom wants to be a pitcher. The problem is he can't pitch. Something was not right and baseball fans didn't like a losing pitcher.

One day another friend shared some practical advice. "Learn to mix up your pitching style, Tom. Depending on how you hold your ball, it will do different things when it crosses home plate. And vary the speed on every pitch. Who knows, you might confuse the batter and he'll struggle. Surprise!"

Action does speak louder than words. Practice makes perfect and Tom's pitching style started to improve.

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