New Year's Day is gone, but not the New Year. Now it's time to make a New Year's resolution and have a better life in 2022. It's a mindset thing. Are you ready to meet the challenge?
Some people ignore making a resolution, but it's smarter if they did. If 2021 was a bad year doing nothing in 2022 will be even worst. Look for a brighter future.
Dealing with the problems of the world my first thought was to save more money. TV commercials give us all kinds of ways to make money, but I often have doubts. In this inflationary age I don't even have enough money to meet all my basic needs. If only money grew on trees I'd be better off.
Perhaps I should develop a new skill. I always wanted to be a professional league baseball player. I can see it all now when fans watched me pitching fast balls, striking those guys out, and preventing them from scoring runs. But that's wishful thinking. Those were by gone days to dream big. Did you ever see an old man playing baseball today? Neither have I.
As a Christ-follower since 12 I have attended church most of my life. Through many ups and downs in life I like to read my Bible. In 2022 I'd like to share more Bible truths with my friends in a small group at our local church and that is a good possibility.
To be practical and realistic I will continue to share practical truths for daily living from my newsletter. I like to write. Thank you everybody for being a part of Corner Lots Baseball.
So where are you with your New Year's resolutions? Be practical and know who you are. Don't take on more than you can handle and who knows your bright future may surprise you.
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