Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Gift of Imagination

The three bears just returned home from their walk in the woods and were angry. "Some one has been eating my porridge," said papa bear. "Me too." said mama bear. "Me too and ate it all up," cried baby bear. "Be quiet baby bear," said mama bear. I didn't make yours yet." Ha! Ha! Ha! I laughed all the way to school that day. I always enjoy a good laugh, don't you?"

A+ misery. A struggling life that makes it hard to get motivated. Just barely able to survive.

But luck is on my side and I hope yours too. I woke up one day and asked myself, "Who am I?"

Am I the president of the United States? No. A storyteller? No A well known evangelist or famous baseball player? None of the above although I wish I were.

Through lots of painstaking study and research I learned about the gift of imagination. God created me with gifts and talents I was totally unaware of for the moment. Please allow me to share.

First, I learned that I am a people person. Task orientated stuff doesn't interest me. I could never be a good accountant. Instead I'd love to be a professor in a classroom or chatting with patients in a hospital'

Second, I love to tell stories and be creative.  Telling stories puts me in another world.

My mother said that my father was a good writer. Unfortunately, he passed away when I was only two years old. Putting words on paper intrigues me.

I'm a baseball fan and been so all my life. Finally the Chicago Cubs became World Series Champions. 

It was a big day in my life when I had the privilege of sharing three of my baseball stories on Amazon. Amen! Praise the Lord. God is good.

So who are you? Do an inventory of your own life and you might be surprised. You might be a happier different person than you ever thought you could be. 

*** Today we are at a crossroads with Corner Lots Baseball. We have been blessed to share baseball trivia with many people. But now we have to make an important decision and decided to launch a small fund-raiser so that we can continue to offer valuable information in our baseball newsletter. For a $5.00 donation (click the donate button) we'd like you to have an Ernie Banks poster with our compliments. Thank you

The blog you read and newsletter you get every week is FREE. However, I'm retired, and the generosity of your gift will help us to pay other writers and maintain our production cost.

Why is baseball so important? There are lots of things in life with helpful suggestions that baseball fans like to read about. Please allow me to share some of them with you: 

(1) Baseball and life helps meet all our needs and makes the world a better place to live. Budget, good health, education, and God, are only a few of the many needs available.  

(2) Baseball is popular. It's amazing to see baseball parks filled to their capacity every time there is a game. In every town there is a Little League team. Remember the traffic jam last time you went to a game? Nobody wants to miss out on all the action.

(3) Baseball is a good diversional activity for depression. It helps to chase away the troubles of the world.

(4) Baseball is entertaining. Munching on a hot dog and sipping soda pop with friends is great. And it's fun to mark all the action on a scorecard. 

(5) Baseball teaches teamwork. Nine players working together make a baseball game exciting. 

Won't you please help us so that we can continue to help make this world a better place to live? 

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